Friday, March 7, 2008

The Cunundrum of Emotion.

(just a quick thought)

So here I am, contemplating the positive versus the negative of emotions. Some people argue that emotions are just stupid, and useless. That they interfere with cognitive thinking, or factual reasoning. I agree that operating solely under emotion is more than stupid, it is plain dangerous! However, should we become these zombie like Christians who feel nothing. Or better yet, act on nothing we feel. I just "feel" that is not the case. When I see a young person with tears streaming down their face in the thrawls of worship, it moves me. When I see a family struggling financially, and the babies are hungry, it breaks my heart. When I talk to a teenager who is lost my heart screams out, "God help me find a way to reach them! How do I need to change myself that they will see more of you through me?".

I feel it comes down to this. If nothing moves us, there is no spark for change. So then we simply remain content with the status of everything. Every emotion can start the process of change.

Start a Movement!
- j -


Tara Sloan said...

Great piece Johnnie... Jesus was moved by positive emotion too... not outlandish displays that but heartfelt emotion triggered by a heart condition... some examples are the woman with the issue of blood, the woman with the issue of blood, a hungry multitude, the thief on the cross next to him and the very people who took part in killing him.

As you know worship is the way we show Him how we feel... through our actions and emotions!

Johnnie said...

Hey you actually read my blog!!!

Debbie said...

I am so proud of you and you are giving some great words cause tara is commenting you and not me :) love you baby!!!!

Shell said...

Wow, you are great! I need to get dad to do this and maybe me too if we can figure it all out. I'm proud of you Johnnie, God is doing great things in you! Mom