Thursday, May 29, 2008

Chicago Update.

What a great time!!! It was great being around family that we haven't seen for 3 years. My bro-in-law Craig and sister Tara have 5 WONDERFUL daughters (that's right 5 GIRLS!!); Kaitlyn, Kelsea, Haley, Lexie, and Izzy. They are all so different in personality but all equally as awesome! I am so proud of them! I was warned by Kaitlyn that Izzy(the baby) is sometimes leary of new people and that I shouldn't be upset if she didn't warm up to me in two days. Well I'm glad to say that when we were sitting in the van getting ready to go back to the airport Izzy was sitting in my lap saying "NO!! I go wis Bubbo!" HAHA on you Kaitlyn ;) ! Most importantly they are all so on fire for God.

It was a great time hanging and sharing with Craig and Tara. Good fellowship, good counsel, good times! It was great to just get away from routines and mix it up.

For those who don't know(I say that as if people actually read this blog: No offense to the 5 of you who do. lol), we were in Chicago to lead worship for the Spring Encounter Retreat. We went with a great team. Harry and Candace Sanchez, Michael Johnson, Michael Grant, and Ryan Hudson. We had such a great time together. I hope they all enjoyed the time together as much as I did.

Details: The team in charge of the event were TOP-NOTCH!! Simply incredible people who treated EVERYONE as if they were important(Because they are you know!). Deb and I have NEVER led worship together or separately before, so this in many ways was intimidating. I picked WAY too many songs for everyone to learn, and being me...I freaked out when everything wasn't again guys I'm sorry!lol. We removed ourselves, and God moved was a beautiful time of Worshipping our God together! The event was wonderful! God moved in such a mighty way. So I'm just going to make a list of some things I learned and some things that made an impression on me during the weekend.

*In order to be "ready", you just have to be willing! Move out of the way and remain a vessel for God's purpose! (I'll be posting a blog going more in depth about this new to me revelation)

*Michael Johnson likes coffee with his sugar! 10 packs per cup! lol

*Don't pack 12 people in a minivan if you don't have the proper air pressure!

*Murphy's Law, "Whatever can happen will happen", Needs to be renamed Ryan Hudson's Law. Then revised to say "Whatever can happen, will probably happen to Ryan Hudson"! hahahaha

*No matter how thirsty you are, do not stick your head under the faucet of a sink that has an automated soap dispenser. (Hudson's Law example B)

* It is ok to eat Giordano's pizza that has been sitting open in a hotel room for more than 15 hours.

*Debbie Denson and Candace Sanchez are MIGHTY women of God...Probably my favorite part of the weekend was watching those two minister to these women together. We're still getting praise reports from some of the women that they ministered to.

*God will use anyone who allows him to!

*A Roland JC 120 is a bad mama-jama guitar amp!

*I am married to Prophetic World Changer!

*I actually can sing in church! This was the first time since I was like 4! lol

*Michael Grant can sleep anywhere, at anytime!

*We are capable! All of us...even YOU!

Start a Movement!

- j -

Friday, May 9, 2008

"Alter" Church

Everywhere in the "church world" there is this debate of traditional vs new methodology. The debate usually comes down to who clings to real church values. What's crazy to me is how most of the traditional folk act as if you can't have biblical sound doctrine if you have a great media package with a rocking worship band. Many of these new "culturally relevant" churches are experiencing tremendous growth, and i think that makes the "Old School" a little jealous. They act as if there is no way that people can properly "churched" or taught in such large groups. Well all it requires is adequate staffing and a strong, dedicated team.

However, there are some of the "new" churches that have been so focused on salvation, that they forgot, or didn't even think to, lay down the ground work for discipleship of these new converts. This just feeds the fire of these old school "heretic hunters". However I feel we can be culturally relevant in context, and still remain sound in content. Being a culturally relevant church, is no different than having a culturally relevant translation of the Bible. As long as it's content is pure, the context can be "altered". Altered is the key word here. The actual definition of alter is "To make different without changing into something else". That's where it's at. Be a modern church, a culturally relevant church, a radical church...BUT BE A CHURCH!

I see many "new" churches that are drawing in salvations in great numbers but never "disciple". In the end these people are coming for entertainment, and who God is and what church is for is lost. Discipleship is a must! Salvation without discipleship is about like having a baby and never feeding the baby. You just assume that if the baby hangs around long enough it will learn how to feed itself. That may happen on few occasions, but, I believe it is imperative that we, the church, construct and instruct new converts (and old converts too). If we don't, it very well may be at the expense of their lives! If you look at the powerful men in the bible, they were always teaching and imparting practical principles that were imperative for the growth to those under their leadership. Paul to Timothy, Jesus to the Disciples, Elijah to Elisha and so on.

We must reach the lost...then we must disciple them so that the people who do hang around are not spiritual runts.

With that said...I myself, am ready to alter church. My hair is crazy, and so am I. I'm inked up, and I'm geeked up for God! I don't need a suit to lead others...I refuse to think that wearing a suit gives me more clout with God...I will not be a "white-washed tomb". But I will also preach purity and love. Holiness and wholeness. I will not be watered down, or dressed up! I will absolutely be everything that my God has called me to be....I will do my part to Alter Church!

Start a Movement!

- j -

Saturday, May 3, 2008

I am such a lame blogger!!!

My wife tells me all the time about how my blogging skills, or at least my commitment to blogging, is crap! She's right. I just don't spend that much time on the internet...and when i do, it's usually buying music off iTunes, or mind numbingly surfing youtube. I don't like to blog unless I have something really profound to say,which you can tell by my 15-20 day intervals between blogs that my profoundness(?)doesn't come that often. haha

So to keep in the spirit of my lame blogging style...I'm going to take one of those of those things that make you cringe everytime you get one in your email...yeah you know! Here it goes!

26 Questions About Me

Question #1
How did you get your name?

Named after me pops!

Question #2
A memory you won't forget

Man so many!! To name dad buying me my first bass! A black Starforce...Watch out now!!

Question #3
Favorite color


Question #4
Favorite foods

Italian, a good steak, fried fish!

Question #5
Favorite drink

My wife's sweet tea, or a good lemonade

Question #6
Favorite brand of shoes

A toss up between Puma, Addidas, and Nike

Question #7
Favorite brand of clothes

Whatever I feel comfortable in.

Question #8
Favorite icecream

Gimme some good ole' Choc!

Question #9
Your best friend

Fatima Brown!

Question #10
Favorite animal

Bulldog. Any kind. Pitt, Bull Terrier, American, English.

Question #11
Future career

Worship Pastor. More of a priviledge and a calling, but I guess it would qualify as a career too.

Question #12
Favorite restaurant

Depends on the mood. i can always handly The Outback are Arby's!

Question #13
Favorite tv shows

Anything on Discovery, Dives and Diners, any crazy traveling food show, house, anything on the NFL network.

Question #14
A country you like to visit

England or Ireland

Question #15
Favorite book

Dunno if I have a favorite.

Question #16
Ever thought about being gay?

Sure I guess. I've never thought I was gay.

Question #17
Favorite cell phone company

They all suck!

Question #18
whats your personality

Man that's a toughy. It's hard to judge yourself. I would say I'm a pretty crazy, fun loving, loyal guy. I sometimes am a cynic, but try my best to stay positive. I am friendly, but don't have patience for the following types of people: Liars, backstabbers, dividers, brown nosers, egomaniacs.

Question #19
Favorite old movie

The Godfather

Question #20
Favorite old song

Baba O'Riley..That's Tough!! My answer would probably change everyday if you asked everyday.

Question #21
Lucky number(s)

Don't have any

Question #22
Latest you have ever stayed up

3 days straight

Question #23
What kind of friend are you Freind

Loyal, and honest.

Question #24
Favorite car

'64 or '65 Lincoln Continental. Black as death!

Question #25
A friend you left hanging

Probably all of them at one time or another.

Question #26
Something you'll never do

Say never! lol